Integrating LVM with Hadoop

3 min readMar 15, 2021


Integrating LVM with Hadoop and providing Elasticity to DataNode Storage.

First of all we will check the volumes attached in our data node.

Now we will create physical volume using command pvcreate.

Then we will create volume groups.

we have our volume group . Now we will create logical volume .

After creating logical volume we have to format it and then mount it.

using lsblk command we will check if the partition is mounted or not.

After mounting we will update our hdfs-site.xml file inside /etc/hadoop folder in Data Node.

Then we will start our name node and data node and check what amount of storage is contributed by data node.

To start data node : start datanode

To start name node: start namenode

The storage contributed by data node is 20GB . Now we will increase the storage.

Again we will check

Now the storage contributed is 30GB.

Thank You!!



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